Thursday, November 24, 2011

An experience of Matthew 14:17-21 (a Lectio Divina experience)

"All we have"...."they all ate and were satisfied."

If someone welcomes you, STAY with them.  If they open their door, accept their love.
Travel light so you are willing to accept what is offered and given to you.
Engage others, accept and give, from the openness of your heart, knowing you are fullest when you empty yourself of extra things.

Bless what you have -- it is enough and more.

Simplicity and acceptance, bring fulfillment and satisfaction.

"You shall my shield and fortress be, as long as life endures."

Jesus, sitting behind me -- it is OK to trust, it is also OK to be afraid and uncomfortable.  He took my hands in his, and just sat with me until I was able to relax.  He is with me always, and his angels watch over.

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