Monday, February 16, 2015

Faith Formation Feb. 16, 2015 Outline

Feb.  16, 2015 St. Francis Faith Formation Group

I.                    “We’re in the same story”
A.      Aquinas:  The foundation for the fours senses of Scripture is God’s unique way of communicating.
1.       Us:  words and symbols
2.       God: words and symbols and through the very things He created (uses people, places, things to tell about other people, places, things)
B.       Not us here and now going back and artificially making connections
1.        The four senses are written into the very fabric of history
2.       We discern what God was “thinking” in history – His actions in history and they are meant to tell us today (Aquinas)
3.       Read passages in light of the entire Bible; realize we are in the same story still.

II.                  Genesis
A.       CCC 390 How to read the account of the fall
1.       Symbols for something deeper
2.       Describing a real event

B.       Read  in light of author’s intention (original meaning of text)
1.       Historical context
a)      Polytheism vs. monotheism (monotheism with an edge/subversive)
b)      One God, God over ALL of you, your “gods” created by our God
c)       Strategic strike against polytheistic world view
2.       Modes of narration
a)      Circular, around themes, parallels (Creation parallels)
b)      To show order of creation
c)       God inserted Himself
C.       CCC 337 - 345
1.       Origin/end in God
2.       Order and goodness
3.       Man’s vocation
4.       Drama of sin and hope of salvation

III.                Adam’s Mission

A.      Gen 1:26 Close Reading
1.       Image and likeness  (next seen in Gen. 5:3)
a)      What does this mean?
b)      Son of God – intimacy
c)       Historical context, roles of son
2.       Dominion
a)      Guard/rule
b)      Gen 2:15 alludes to priestly role (shamar – Levites guarding Tabernacle)
3.       God is a Father – what kind of Father?
                  B.      Gen. 2:4  and following(Bold print headings/chapter divisions are put in by publisher)
1.       Zooming in on Adam
2.       Closely read Gen. 2: 16-17 1st Law (why given?)
a)      Freely
b)      Every

C.      Temptation Scene
1.       Gen. 3:1
a)      Devil’s emphasis
b)      God’s emphasis
2.       “Elohim” vs. “Yahweh Elohim” (difference)
3.       Gen. 3:2 Eve’s response
a)      Already being weakened
b)      Buying into God as rule-maker/restrictive
4.       Gen. 3:3 What is wrong here?
5.       Gen. 3:4 Devil’s response
a)      What is he saying about God?
6.       Gen. 3:5 What is the picture the Devil is trying to paint?
a)      Relate to today (impressions of Church in media?)
b)      How do we counter this? What should be our first proclamation?
7.       The Temptation Narrative
a)      Intense, subtle, relatable
b)      Not just about breaking a rule, breaking a relationship
c)       Change how they look at God
d)      CCC 397 **
8.       God as Loving Father
a)      We are his children
b)      What is purpose of God’s law?
c)       Our motive for following it?
9.       Devil: God a tyrant/all-powerful master
a)      Are we his children?
b)      What is purpose of God’s law?
c)       Our motive for following it?
10.   THIS is the drama of today

D.      The Garden
1.       Tree of knowledge of good and evil (figurative language)
a)      Kingly authority
b)      Makes laws and determines what is good/evil
c)       Who determines what is right/wrong?
d)      Who is true king?
2.       Pride/Moral autonomy
3.       CCC 398 “like God but without God”