Christ, who art the light and day,
You drive away the darkness of night,
You are called the light of light,
For you proclaim the blessed light.
We beseech you, Holy Lord,
Protect us this night.
Let us take our rest in you;
Grant us a tranquil night.
Let our sleep be free from care;
Let not the enemy snatch us away,
Nor flesh conspire within him,
And make us guilty in your sight.
Though our eyes be filled with sleep,
Keep our hearts forever awake to you.
May your right hand protect
Your willing servants.
You who are our shield, behold;
Restrain those that lie in wait.
And guide your servants whom
You have ransomed with your blood.
Remember us, O Lord,
Who bear the burden of this mortal form;
You who are the defender of the soul,
Be near us, O Lord.
Glory be to God the Father,
And to his only Son,
With the Spirit, Comforter,
Both now and evermore. Amen.
Thanks for this...
You are most welcome, STM. God bless.
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