Sunday, March 16, 2014

Communion Plates and Holy Communion

To my Roman Catholic readers:  if you attend a Novus Ordo Parish, are communion-plates (patens)  in use at your parish?

They are not here.  There was another "incident" during holy Communion today, where (in the words of the EMHC) the "consecrated host went flying."  I was approached after Mass about this by the EMHC, and so I approached Father to ask him to consider the use of a communion-plate.  He didn't understand why it would be needed, and pretty much stated he wouldn't put one in use unless it was required.  I gently (well, maybe not so gently) reminded him that "special care should be taken to ensure that the host is consumed ... in the presence of the minister...." (92, Redemptionis Sacramentum), as even just this would cut down on some of our parish's issues.  He looked surprised and acted as though he had never heard that.

I think I have a small number of parishioners who are willing to back up the use of a Communion-plate.  I know my older son (THE altar server) would like one.  What is the practice at other parishes?  Redemptionis Sacramentum states that the "Communion-plate ... should be retained" (93) but doesn't say "must."  I'm just curious since I have never seen it in use.

As I was talking to Father, my 6 year old was trying to convince Sister Maria that he was old enough and ready to receive Communion.  I heard him say: "I know what to do.  First you kneel . . . . "  Is devotion to the Eucharist contagious?

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