(I do not write short stories. I've never been very good at them. But in an effort to expand my limited writing ability, I will be attempting to compose some short stories. This is based on the story, found in all the synoptic Gospels, of the woman who touched the hem of Jesus' cloak and was healed of the flow of blood which had plagued her for 12 years. This story has come up three different times in about as many days, and I was compelled to try my hand. at a story to fill in the blanks. This is only the first draft. I'll come back to it in a few days and make modifications. There are some parts I already want to change, but will hold off on any changes until it has sat for awhile. I'm always ok with comments from my vast readership :-)! )
Four years ago today I was healed. The day is burned into my
memory. I look down at my hand and I remember. I had heard he
was coming through town, and in my hope and desperation went out
to the street. There he was. I was determined to get close...all eyes
were on him; I was not noticed. Had I been recognized the crowd
would have parted like the Red Sea around me, but in the throng
I was invisible. Quietly, I made my way forward and found myself
directly behind him...if I could but touch the hem of his garment. So with
trembling hand I reached and touched the tassel of his cloak.
I felt myself healed instantly. But he stopped, and turned
around...and I was alone in my shame.
I had been alone for 12 years. Anyone or anything I touched would be
legally unclean, so I was left alone, outcast, fending for myself. All the
money I had was spent on doctors, but none were able to help me. I
would be alone, a poor beggar, for the rest of my days. But then I
heard of Jesus, and He seemed an answer to my prayers, so I sought
him out. Finding him, I reached toward him, and my thoughts turned
to Ruth as she stole upon Boaz and settled in at his feet asking him to
cast his mantle over her, to protect her as a kinsman
(Ruth 3).
His tassel within my grasp, I thought of this tassel which was
a reminder of our relationship with YHWH, of His laws and our
obligation to them . . . and I hesitated for a moment, until I
remembered the 1000s of lambs with whose blood my people had
been redeemed from bondage. Was this not what I wanted - to be
redeemed, released from the slavery of my affliction? Could not the
blood of those lambs reach forward to me, and remove my shackles?
Make me whole again, physically and legally and spiritually?
So I gathered my courage and touched the tassel of his cloak,
believing that even this small gesture of faith, done in secret, could
heal me. And it did! Immediately, the flow of blood ceased! I was
healed! But then he asked who had touched him. I was ashamed,
and for a moment I hid. But my courage returned, and I came forward,
trembling and falling at his feet, confessing what I had done and why.
He looked upon me with such tenderness, and said "My daughter, thy
faith has brought thee recovery; go in peace."(Lk 8:48)
I stayed there, kneeling upon the ground, watching as he turned and
disappeared from view. I was not sure what to do.
My heart was leaping inside of me, but I found I could not make my
limbs obey my command. After what seemed hours, I finally rose and
went home. After the prescribed time, I did what was required by the
law for my purification, and then my new life began.
At first many people continued to treat me as if I were still impure. It
still happens today, when from force of habit people around me draw
back so as not to touch me. I will sometimes find that I have returned
to my old habits, then forcefully have to remind myself that I am
healed. Recovering has not been as easy as I had imagined.
My life did not miraculously go back to the way it had been before my
illness. In many ways I had to rebuild my life, find new friends, re-
establish myself in the community.
But one thing which did change dramatically and perhaps
miraculously, was my faith. I saw before me, and I touched the tassel
of, the Messiah, the Savior of my people. Of this I have no doubt. No
one other than the Promised One could have healed me as suddenly
and completely as he did on that day.
And so, on this day I stand here. Professing by my presence my belief
that Jesus was indeed the Son of God. Waiting today with many who
have waited generations to find fulfillment in God's promises. Waiting
to be baptized into the future of our people.
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