Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14, 2014 Faith Formation

July 14, 2014  St. Francis Parish Adult Faith Formation Group
V:  God, come to my assistance.
R:  Lord, make haste to help me.
V:  Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
R:  As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.  Amen.
V:  Lord, set aflame my heart and my entire being with the fire of the Holy Spirit, that I may serve you with chaste body and pure mind.  Through Christ our Lord.
R:  Amen.
V:  Let us pray for our Sovereign Pontiff Francis.
R:  The Lord preserve him and give him life, and make him blessed upon the earth, and deliver him not to the will of his enemies.

AH 470  Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (different music)
AH 616  I sing the Mighty Power of God

The Priest’s Preparation (what does this say about Liturgy – importance of signs and symbols, etc….?)

Vesting Prayers:

 1.       Washing of hands:  Give virtue to my hands, O Lord, that being cleansed from all stain I might serve you with purity of mind and body”

2.      Amice:  Place upon me, O Lord, the helmet of salvation, that I may overcome the assaults of the devil.”

3.      Alb:  “Make me white, O Lord, and cleanse my heart; that being made white in the Blood of the Lamb I may deserve an eternal reward”

4.      Cincture:  “Gird me, O Lord, with the cincture of purity, and quench in my heart the fire of concupiscence, that the virtue of continence and chastity may abide in me.”

5.      Stole:  “Lord, restore the stole of immortality, which I lost through the collusion of our first parents, and, unworthy as I am to approach Thy sacred mysteries, may I yet gain eternal joy.”

6.      Chasuble:  “O Lord, who has said, "My yoke is sweet and My burden light," grant that I may so carry it as to merit Thy grace.”

 Laurence Paul Hemming, Worship as a  Revelation:

             “A further part of this textual character of the liturgy as a whole is the vestments the furnishing and ordering of the church interior, the shape and character of the sacred vessels, the materials from which all is made, its exact placing and so forth.  Everything in a church intends a meaning, so that the whole of liturgy, its chant, what is performed, by whom, and how, where, and when, form a whole textual complex with intricate significance.”  (pg. 11)

 Video Part 1:  A Biblical Walk-Through the Mass  (Edward Sri)

Homework for next week:

1.        Read the Prayers for the Introductory Rites, 17th Week Ordinary Time (Entrance Antiphon through the Collect)  If you don’t have a Missal or a Magnificat (or similar), check out “Laudate” which is an app on Apple products and also available as a download for PC – It’s FREE!!

2.       Bring your Bible (and Missal if you have one)

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