Actual frogs - the green, ribbetty kind. I've always had this affinity for frogs. When I was quite young (under 6 because we still lived in Mobile), I apparently freaked my Mom out because I had gone outside and found the largest bullfrog I could find, brought it into the house, and proceeded to take a bath with it. I'm chuckling right now as I think back. Then in high school, sitting in the bleachers at a football game (I was in the band, but couldn't march because of some weird thing with one of my knees), this boy came up to me and gave me a paper bag and asked me to look inside. Guess he wasn't expecting the reaction I had, because when I looked in and saw a large frog I was very happy: "Ohhhh, a frog!!!" - and he was very confused. Sure, we dissected frogs in Biology lab, but, well, that didn't bother me at all. Pretty cool, actually. The smell of formaldehyde still brings back good frog-dissection memories.
So last night, when my older son came up to the bathroom as we were all getting ready for bed, carrying very carefully a good-sized tree frog to show his younger brother, I was all excited to see the frog too. My husband said "I don't want any frogs in the house". So we (my two boys and I) retreated to my older son's bathroom, and had fun looking at and observing the frog for awhile. Not a big bullfrog, but small, light green with some red and black - built for climbing trees.
I like frogs. Have no idea why. But really, they are quite interesting. Here's a picture of the kind of frog of which I am speaking:
Pseudacris regilla
Northern Pacific Treefrog
(picture from
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