Wednesday, December 19, 2012


He has drawn me closer and closer to Him,
Encouraging my independence from creatures
And my dependence upon the Creator.
He has pulled me further and further in,
Showing me His hand, gentle and strong,
Inviting me to rest within His embrace.
He has called me and helped me to answer,
Not leaving me on my own but always staying with me
Carrying me just as I take a step forward,
Gracing me with strength, courage, wisdom.
He has shown me that I have nothing, am nothing,
Yet am full of all that He is,
Full of all that He has given me.
So why do these tears haunt me?
Why do these questions weigh down my heart?
Why can I not just take what He offers,
Giving myself completely to Him,
Knowing that when I do,
He will give everything to me?

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