Wednesday, July 11, 2012

14th OT, Wednesday, Year II

"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
"...break up for yourselves a new field, for it is time to seek the Lord."

I seek your face. I desire your touch.  I long to kiss your feet.  Do not turn your face from me - I am yours; do with me as you will.  Show me the path, lead me to your holy place.  Keep me safe from the enemy - let not his words corrupt me.  For you are my God, my king, the one to whom I turn.  You are the joy of my life.  Show me the way, I will follow.  Show me the work, I will labor.  Remove from me my guilt, absolve me of my great sin; make me pure before you.  Test me and cleanse me with fire that I may be strong for the battle.  Teach me your ways so I can walk in your footsteps forever.

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